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标题: 【民生WE剧场】Mark Damisch古典音乐慈善演奏会 [打印本页]

作者: TeacherA    时间: 2015-8-28 12:03
标题: 【民生WE剧场】Mark Damisch古典音乐慈善演奏会
民生WE剧场】Mark Damisch古典音乐慈善演奏会

2015.8.28 周五 19:00
演奏嘉宾:Mark Damisch


本活动邀请观众一起参与公益事业, 参加者请每人携带一公斤食物捐献给绿洲食物银行。〈鉴于目前高温天气,中心期望收到下列物品:大米、食用油、卷面、营养饼干、罐头肉类制品及其它保质期较长且不需要冷藏的肉品、日用品(洗发水、牙膏、肥皂等消耗品)等。当然也愿意接受可能被浪费的其它任何食物,超过保质期的根据中国法律将不能用于分发〉


Mark Damisch是一个美国钢琴演奏家,从四岁起他就在Evanston 音乐学院学习乐器,7岁就举办了他的第一场钢琴音乐会。1974年作为钢琴家随维也纳童声合唱团声乐组巡演欧洲,在奥地利萨尔茨堡的米拉贝尔花园开始有了自己巡演的想法。

在接下来的一年中, Damisch先生组织安排了在东欧,西欧和俄联邦的系列钢琴音乐会以促进国际关系,国家和解。1976年,他在莫斯科和列宁格勒演出, 1977年,他展开了为期7周的环球演出。1981至1982年,法学院学习期间, Damisch先生举办筹款音乐会以帮助希望在芝加哥法律援助机构工作的学生。在19年的间断之后,Damisch先生于2000年夏天重回音乐会的舞台,继续在全球范围内为慈善事业举办音乐会。目前为止,他已为当地和国家机构筹款超过一百万美元。

Mark Damisch的钢琴音乐会带他去了超过40个国家,包括日本,俄联邦,乌克兰,以色列,埃及,荷兰,非洲,中国,希腊半岛,冰岛,台湾,越南,澳大利亚,新西兰,印度等等。他曾在舒瓦洛夫宫为当地的孤儿筹款演出,在克林柴克夫斯基的故居,在伊斯克拉新耶路撒冷的修道院,在华沙的扬帕德雷夫斯基博物馆,在乌克兰基辅的国家交响乐大厅为当地的孤儿筹款。在一个致力于消除核武器的机构称为和平市长的资助下,他曾在莫斯科的友谊会堂,俄联邦的基辅,列宁格勒,日本广岛演出。在中国沈阳,通过向这个八百万人口的城市的电台直播音乐会为红十字会筹款15万美元,他也曾出现在瑞士国家电台和美国之音的节目中。



▋About Mark Damisch

Mark Damisch is an American concert pianist who began studying organ at the Evanston Conservatory of Music at the age of four. He performed his first piano concert at seven. As a teen in 1974, he toured Europe both as a pianist and also in a vocal group alongside the Vienna Boys Choir. In Salzburg’s Mirabel Gardens, he first considered the idea of touring on his own.

The following year, Mr. Damisch arranged, promoted and performed concerts in Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the Soviet Union in furtherance of goodwill and international relations. In 1976, he performed in Moscow and Leningrad, and in 1977, he performed a 7-week tour around the world. In 1981-1982, while attending law school, Mr. Damisch played fundraising concerts to raise money for students wishing to work in Chicago legal aid clinics. After a 19-year hiatus, Mr. Damisch returned to the concert stage in the summer of 2000, continuing his mission of performing for charitable causes worldwide. To date, he has raised over $1 million for local and national organizations.

Mark Damisch’s piano concerts have taken him to more than 40 countries, including Japan, the Soviet Union, Ukraine, Israel, Egypt, the Netherlands, Africa, China, the Greek Islands, Iceland, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, India and more. He has performed in the Shuvalov Palace, raising funds for local orphanages; in Klin, at Tchaikovsky’s House; in Iskra, at the New Jerusalem Monastery; in Warsaw in the Museum of Jan Paderewski; and in Kyiv, Ukraine, at the National Philharmonic Hall to raise funds for local orphanages.He has performed at the Houses of Friendship in Moscow, Kiev and Leningrad, Soviet Union; in Hiroshima, Japan, sponsored by Mayors for Peace, an organization devoted to the elimination of nuclear weapons; in Shenyang, China, where over $150,000 was raised for the Red Cross in a concert broadcast live to a city of 8 million people. He has appeared on Swiss National Radio and Voice of America.
作者: 玫瑰还是月季    时间: 2015-9-1 14:14
很好的帖子 学习了 谢谢分享

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