壮壮很喜欢这头牛,原来家里有本英文原版的(英文书名为:The Story of Ferdinand,我还是喜欢白色封面哦),是美国纽约图书馆100本必读图画书之一。书中画面全部是黑色钢笔画,简单而朴素。真正五星级的书,值得一辈子阅读!
作者: 大壮妈 时间: 2009-3-4 12:14
作为一名绘本作家,他一生创作无数,他的绘本被翻译成30多种语言,仅美国本土的销量就超过1800万册。他以《爱心树》(The Giving Tree)一书轰动文坛,奠定了他在当代美国文学界的地位。其他脍炙人口的作品还有:《失落的一角》、《失落的一角遇见大圆满》、《阁楼上的光》、《人行道的尽头》、《往上跌了一跤》等。他为电影《明信片的边缘》(Postcards from the edge)所作的歌曲I'm Checking Out获得1991年第63届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖提名;还因《人行道的尽头》获得1984年格莱美奖。
“May we come with you?”(我们能随你一起去吗?)
“Can I come along, Mr Gumpy?”(我能跟去吗?)
“I’d like a ride,”(我想搭一程,)
“Will you take me with you?”(你能带我去吗?)
“May I come, please, Mr Gumpy?”(请问,甘伯伯,我能去吗?)
“Have you a place for me?”(你有位置给我吗?)
“Can we come too?”(我们也能去吗?)
“Can you make room for me?”(你能腾一块地方给我吗?)
“May I join you, Mr Gumpy?”(甘伯伯,我能加入进来吗?)
其中“Can you make room for me?”一句是牛问的,牛那么一个又大又重的庞然大物,当然是要“make room”了!
和甘伯伯去游河的英文Mr. Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham
This is Mr. Gumpy.
Mr. Gumpy owned a boat and his house was by a river.
One day Mr. Gumpy went out in his boat.
“May we come with you?” said the children.
“Yes,” said Mr. Gumpy,
“if you don’t squabble.”
“Can I come along, Mr. Gumpy?” said the rabbit.
“Yes, but don’t hop about.”
“I’d like a ride,” said the cat.
“Very well,” said Mr. Gumpy.
“But you’re not to chase the rabbit.”
“Will you take me with you?” said the dog.
“Yes,” said Mr. Gumpy.
“But don’t tease the cat.”
“May I come, please, Mr. Gumpy?” said the pig.
“Very well, but don’t muck about.”
“Have you a place for me?” said the sheep.
“Yes, but don’t keep bleating.”
“Can we come too?” said the chickens.
“Yes, but don’t flap,” said Mr. Gumpy.
“Can you make room for me?” said the calf.
“Yes, if you don’t trample about.”
“May I join you, Mr. Gumpy?” said the goat.
“Very well, but don’t kick.”
For a little while they all went along happily but then…
The goat kicked
The calf trampled
The chickens flapped
The sheep bleated
The pig mucked about
The dog teased the cat
The cat chase the rabbit
The rabbit hopped
The children squabbled
The boat tipped…
and into the water they fell.
Then Mr. Gumpy and the goat and the calf and the chickens and the sheep and the pig and the dog and the cat and the rabbit and the children all swam t the bank and climbed out to dry in the hot sun.
“We’ll walk home across the fields,” said Mr. Gumpy.
“It’s time for tea.”
“Goodbye,” said Mr. Gumpy.
“Come for a ride another day.”
作者: 大壮妈 时间: 2009-3-4 12:47
作者: 大壮妈 时间: 2009-4-29 13:51
树真好 (The tree is nice)